We are finally packed! I can't wait for our POD to get here so we can start to load that sucker. It is also my final week of classes, however, I will still be participating in class online.
Now for the Pregnancy update:
How far along: 13 Weeks!!! WooHooo!
Maternity clothes: I'm waiting untill we get settled in VA before I get any more, but I can definately tell i will be needing some soon!
Sleep: Every morning, like clock-work, I have gotten up for the sole purpose of going to the bathroom. The amazing time that our bundle of joy has chosen to wake me up every morning? 6 am. bleh 6 am and I don't work out well.
Best moment this week: It doesn't have much to do with the baby but it was the best moment this week. Einstein (our dog) sits and stares at you lovingly if he wants anything. So he sat infront of me and stared for a good 10 mins. before I let him up on the couch to snuggle with me. And guess what, it wasn't me he wanted to snuggle with, it was the belly!
Movement: Nothing yet, unless you count the clock-work bathroom runs.
Food cravings: S'mores! Chocolate! The sour/tart Easter shaped candies! So basically sugar. : )
Belly Button: Still an innie, but the belly is growing.
What I love: being done with the packing! I don't think I've said it enough yet .... We're done!
What I miss: Home cooked meals, we packed all of our dishes and cooking pans, plus the fridge is empty. We are making a trip to Sprouts on Wed. to pick up road trip snacks though.
Sorry, no picture right now. I'll post one as soon as I can.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter sunday no matter what you were celebrating!