Week 21 and 22 will be rolled to gether in this post because DH and I have been so busy with teaching basic dance/flag skills and show work to our new colorguard. Horay for Guard! I'm so excited to be the new Colorguard Director to a small guard in Fredericksburg, VA. DH and I can't wait for the season to start and the girls to improve more than they already have in the last week.
Anyhow, that's what we have been busy with this week.... here is how the baby is doing.
Maternity clothes: Just the normal tops and jeans for now. However I might have to go out and get some more workout clothes and professional clothes now that I am teaching!
Weight Gain/Loss: Still need to put on the pounds! I'm snacking more and eating more protien (bleh) but its all for the good of the baby.
Sleep: The baby seems to sleep just fine. No more waking up Mommy by punching, but I can't seem to sleep at night. Naps durring the day are no problem, but heaven forbin I should have a normal sleep cycle.
Best moment this week: Getting kicked in the bladder while trying to teach dance work to my new colorguard.
Movement: ALOT! This kid gets so excited for Sour Cream and Onion chips its too funny!
Food cravings: Fruit.
Belly Button: Innie.
What I love: Looking at baby furniture.
What I miss: Right now, nothing. I'm just enjoying the moment with my hubby and our baby.
What I am looking forward to: Watching our little one sleep.
Milestones: We have had an up-tick in movement last week and this week! We go in for an anatomy scan next Wednesday so we should (hopefully if the baby is cooperating) be able to tell exactly who we are expecting! I can't wait to find out!