Sunday, June 19, 2011

Week 20

How far along: 20 Weeks!
Maternity clothes: I spent 30 mins. getting dressed the other day and came to realize that I have very few maternity tops, and even fewer tops/t-shirts that are large enough to get around my belly. So I broke down (again) and went out to get some discount maternity tops from Ross. Boo for having to spend money but a big fat YAY for more tops!
Weight Gain/Loss: I have currently gained only 6-7lbs. from my pre-pregnancy weight. The doc told me to eat more and gain more weight! I have never before in my life been told that I need to 'gain' weight, guess I better start working on that : ) More food for Mrs. Piggy (I could seriously just camp out next to the fridge and snack all day long). 
Sleep: I'm sleeping just fine, but the dogs aren't and they continue to wake me up at 3am every morning!!! I guess they know what's coming and are trying to prepare me for it. But really? 3am? Now I just have to take an extra nap during the day. Oh well.
Best moment this week: Hearing our baby's heart beat at a STRONG 140 today. DH and I got to hear it with the doppler, a small handheld ultrasound like machine that can pick up on the sound. 
Movement: Sporadic at best right now but that is to be expected. The doc said I should be able to feel the baby more frequently as we get into week 25 and on. 
Food cravings: Sugar, I just had to get that jumbo pack of Sour Patch Kids and have them hidden in the pantry. A small hand-full a day isn't bad : )
Belly Button: Still an innie. The doc also measured my belly today, she said it's at the perfect size for how far along I am right now. 
What I love: Dinner with the DH and friends
What I miss: Throwing on whatever I wanted to in the morning and looking just fine.
What I am looking forward to: The dogs' reaction to a messy, loud, tiny human!
Milestones: We finally got an appointment at the OB center! It only took 4 weeks. and now they tell DH and I that they don't to anatomy scans past the 16 week mark (that would have been nice to know). Now we have to wait 3 or 4 weeks for an appointment at a Radiology center that is 2 hours away. They are nuts!