Maternity Clothes: My birthday wasn't that long ago and I received a gift card for Motherhood Maternity which I made prompt use of in the last few days. : ) I also got a gift card for Kohl's that I plan on hoarding until after Melody arrives. It is sitting in a lovely hand-made, tie-dye duct tape wallet that I also got for my birthday (Thank you J!).
Weight Gain/Loss: I am tipping the scale at a healthy pregnancy weight that I have never once seen in my life. Let's just not speak of this topic ok?
Sleep: It's a toss up. Heartburn doesn't help the attempt of sleeping but Melody makes the actual act of sleeping a little difficult these days. I toss in my sleep and apparently I have passed this habit on to my daughter. Oh joy. Mid-day naps are now my best friend.
Best moment this week: Every time Hubby puts his hands on my belly Melody calms down and I get a break from the constant barrage of kicks, tumbles, punches and acrobatics in my belly. I've started to use this to my advantage! Mwahahaha!
Movement: I started using an app on my iPhone that tracks kicks, a kick counter. If you don't feel more than 10 kicks in an hour you call your doctor and get an extra check up. I opened up the app and sat down to count kicks and wouldn't you know my little girl kicked me 30+ times in a 15 min. period. How's that for a healthy active baby!
Food cravings: Anything that doesn't repulse me.
Belly Button: Belly Button? Whats that? Oh you mean the little thing in the center of my belly that is quickly disappearing.
What I love: Eating whatever want and not really exercising. I feel like I'm cheating but I'm not! (Love It!)
What I miss: Running, of all the things to miss. I know I'm crazy but I miss being able to run myself ragged, get absolutely exhausted by exercising, not going up the stairs.
What I am looking forward to: Setting up baby furniture and finishing Melody's room.