We are in the home stretch, the final trimester! The hubby and I will see our gorgeous baby girl in about 62 days (but who's counting anyways right?). I can't explain the mix of emotions that comes over me when I think about the arrival baby Melody. Happiness at being able to hold her in my arms and seeing her with her Daddy (I can't wait for that moment when he holds her and has the biggest grin imaginable!). The sense of responsibility to protect this precious little bundle and give her the best of this world. And of course the need to protect and care for her. But most of all I just want to see her plump little face!
Well enough about what I want and on to what you want... more info!
Maternity Clothes: My birthday wasn't that long ago and I received a gift card for Motherhood Maternity which I made prompt use of in the last few days. : ) I also got a gift card for Kohl's that I plan on hoarding until after Melody arrives. It is sitting in a lovely hand-made, tie-dye duct tape wallet that I also got for my birthday (Thank you J!).
Weight Gain/Loss: I am tipping the scale at a healthy pregnancy weight that I have never once seen in my life. Let's just not speak of this topic ok?
Sleep: It's a toss up. Heartburn doesn't help the attempt of sleeping but Melody makes the actual act of sleeping a little difficult these days. I toss in my sleep and apparently I have passed this habit on to my daughter. Oh joy. Mid-day naps are now my best friend.
Best moment this week: Every time Hubby puts his hands on my belly Melody calms down and I get a break from the constant barrage of kicks, tumbles, punches and acrobatics in my belly. I've started to use this to my advantage! Mwahahaha!
Movement: I started using an app on my iPhone that tracks kicks, a kick counter. If you don't feel more than 10 kicks in an hour you call your doctor and get an extra check up. I opened up the app and sat down to count kicks and wouldn't you know my little girl kicked me 30+ times in a 15 min. period. How's that for a healthy active baby!
Food cravings: Anything that doesn't repulse me.
Belly Button: Belly Button? Whats that? Oh you mean the little thing in the center of my belly that is quickly disappearing.
What I love: Eating whatever want and not really exercising. I feel like I'm cheating but I'm not! (Love It!)
What I miss: Running, of all the things to miss. I know I'm crazy but I miss being able to run myself ragged, get absolutely exhausted by exercising, not going up the stairs.
What I am looking forward to: Setting up baby furniture and finishing Melody's room.
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