Thursday, July 21, 2011

Week 25

How far along: 25 Weeks!
Maternity clothes: Still wearing the same ones, nothing new yet. But as my belly starts to grow even more I might have to venture out and find something to cover it up : )
Weight Gain/Loss: Weight gain is right on track, but I still need to eat more protein. I just can't bring myself to eat meat too much these days so I find myself snacking on Peanut butter. 

Sleep: Amazing! The last few nights have been great. I go to bed, put me head on the pillow and *zonk* I'm out until morning! But then I end up taking an 3 hour nap (which is ridiculous!). I would feel guilty about the nap but I was too tired to care. 
Best moment this week: Telling DH that our Little Angel of a Girl can rearrange my insides if she wants, and him getting to feel it! The look on his face was priceless. 
Movement: Tons... our sweet little girl likes to play with mommy's insides. Especially after meals and at bed time, it's a riot. 
Food cravings:  I want carbs, bread and noodles all the time! I have to remind myself that you need to add veggies and meat to make a meal that will be appetizing to the non-preggos
Belly Button: I used to have a belly button. Now I just have a small divot/dent in the center of my stomach and I have a feeling that it will be disappearing soon. 
What I love: TPS (Tummy Positioning System). DH came up with it when he was trying to locate someone in my belly. He seemed a little freaked out by the fact that I don't have to put my hands on my belly to tell where our daughter is. He got over it though. Now he asks where she is so he can chase her with a Popsicle!
What I miss: Being able to bend over with out adjusting the baby.
What I am looking forward to: Filling up the closet with more great little girls clothes (that aren't too girly). And at such great prices too!
Milestones: I have a Glucose Test coming up in a few days to tell if I have Gestational Diabetes. Every woman gets this test when they're pregnant so it's nothing to get worried about. The only thing I dread is having to taste the heavily sugared drink they give you for the test! Bleh