Friday, June 10, 2011

The Big Move/ 19 Weeks

The Move!
So now that DH and I have finally gotten everything settled out here in Virginia I can make my first post from our new home! We are fortunate enough to have a great home, in a quiet neighborhood and close to all the action. Shopping is close and so is DC! I can't wait to go to all the museums and events out there, just so much to see and do. But I think the thing I am most excited about is going to the local Farmer's Market this Saturday. Probably silly but I missed the home-made Amish baked goods, especially the loaf of poppy seed bread, yum!
The puppies are very entertained by the fact that they have a small backyard to run around in and a neighbor to bark at. And I love that we have three floors to spread out all our stuff on! That means we actually have to get some more furniture but hey I'm not complaining : ) We might have more room than what we know what to do with but I love it here. 

                                                                 Home Sweet Home

Week 19
How far along: 19 wondrous weeks!
Maternity clothes: I broke down and got a pair of shorts (I never wear shorts!) and a pair of capris, it feels great with all this hot weather moving in.
Sleep: It's hot out here so sleeping with the fan on high and the window open is different but I'm getting used to it. The baby doesn't kick at night because s/he can perceive light now and most likely sleeps when I sleep. The only thing I have to contend with at night is pushing a dog to the side so my ever-growing belly has room on the bed!
Best moment this week: searching through racks of baby clothes just to see what they have and guessing what we are going to get (girl or boy).
Movement: not much this week that I can feel, admittedly, my mind has been elsewhere (moving in).
Food cravings: I really want a cup of the instant Ramen noodles, but with all the preservatives it's not good for us pregnant women. But I'm still tempted just to buy a huge box of them an stash them until after the baby comes.
Belly Button: still an innie but its now 3-4 inches out from where it used to be. my belly is getting huge!
What I love: Nectarines! I can't get enough fruit this week. I bought a bag of nectarines and DH only got to have 1 before ended up eating them all.
What I miss: Being lazy. DH and I have started to go to the gym more frequently and I am much more active than before we knew I was pregnant, imagine that. 

The famous ever-expanding belly!
Woo-Hoo Week 19!

Apparently DH could not resist getting something to decorate the baby's bathroom with. 
The Frog head actually bounces up and down! We got a matching polka-dot trash can too. 
The Crib will be coming soon, I'll post pics when it's all set up.