Wednesday, March 2, 2011


My husband and I have some amazing news to share with our friends and family! Can I get a drum roll please?

bdldlldldldldldldldldldl(just go with it ok?)dldldldldldldldldldldldldldld.....

We're Pregnant!!!!!

You might have already guessed based on the title that I chose for my blog, but hey I can't help shouting it out loud. I'm going to have a baby! This is our first child and I hope we can traverse the inevitable roller-coaster that is to come with some humor and lots of smiles.  : )

This is the first Grandchild on my side of the family and the first Great-grandchild on his side. I'm expecting to get overrun with questions and requests for updates (part of the reason for this blog) when we make the announcement to our two families.

I know my amazing husband is so excited at the prospect of becoming a Dad and I can't wait for the first time he will be able to feel our child kick. The last few days we have taken to falling asleep with hands (and in some cases paws) on my stomach. It makes my heart smile to see him looking at my belly; I know he is imagining how it will look when I'm farther along and that much closer to holding our child in his arms. I can't wait for that day!

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