Sorry I skipped a week, DH and I were on the road to Virginia from California (and our mental health is just fine thank you). Nothing really amazing happened baby-wise in week 14 so I promise you didn't miss much. But I will make it up to you by posting more pictures later this week.
How far along: 15 wonderful weeks!
Maternity clothes: Nothing new but I am loving my sweat pants and yoga pants.
Sleep: this week has been pretty good for sleep except for last night. I just couldn't find a comfortable position, I think I flipped and changed spots at least a dozen times.
Best moment this week: DH and I went out on an impromptu date night to this lovely Italian place in Fredericksburg for dinner. The architecture was gorgeous and the food was great. Just getting to sit down, talking, and being together was exactly what I needed.
Then, a few nights later, we went to see my little sister-in-law play at her band concert. She had a solo and ROCKED it! After we all went to Rita's for a post-concert snack/dessert. All in all a wonderful week!
Movement: I love how every once in a while I get these twinges in my lower abdomen, it's the baby stretching out! Little One does this at least once a day, usually in the evenings after dinner.
Food cravings: Nothing odd or strange but I want sugar more and more, especially chocolate.
Belly Button: Still an innie and I don't see that changing any time soon.
What I love: I love curling up in bed at night with DH and putting both our hands on my belly.
What I miss: I miss having our own place. We are looking for a house right now and I can't wait to cook dinner in my own kitchen and go to bed in my own home!
As soon as Mom e-mails me the photos she took I will be able to post them! So keep coming back to check for them
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